Legal Notice

I. Responsible for the content

The following information is required by Section 5 of the German Digital Services Act (DSA) and Section 2 of the Regulation on Information Duties regarding Services (DL-InfoV). Responsible within the terms of the German Digital Services Act are the Patent Attorneys and the Attorneys-at-Law of Gleiss Große Schrell und Partner mbB:

Gleiss Große Schrell und Partner mbB
Patent Attorneys · Attorneys-at-law
Leitzstrasse 45
70469 Stuttgart
Telephone: 0711 / 99311-0
Facsimilie: 0711 / 99311-200

Gleiss Große Schrell und Partner mbB
Patent Attorneys · Attorneys-at-law
AG Stuttgart PR 167

E-Mail: office@*
VAT-No.: DE147510763
Tax-No.: 93 150 06000

If you have any questions with respect to the website or the legal notice, please contact our office at the aforementioned address or send an email to office@*

II. Authorized Partners

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schrell
Torsten Krüger
Prof. Dr. Nils Heide
Dr. Jan Wohlfahrt
Carl-Philipp Clarenbach
Dr. Mattias Kordel
Dr. Christopher Dietz

III. Patent Attorneys

Prof. Dr. Andreas Schrell
Dr. Jan Wohlfahrt
Carl-Philipp Clarenbach
Dr. Mattias Kordel
Dr. Christopher Dietz
Dr. Thomas Ulrich
Dr. Uwe Putze
Alexander Hauf
Dr. Jakob Knelles

The German Patent Attorneys (Patentanwälte) are admitted under German law and are registered at the German Patent and Trademark Office as well as at the European Union Intellectual Property Office. The European Patent Attorneys are registered at the European Patent Office (EPO) and are members of the European Patent Institute (EPI).

For the Patent Attorneys the following professional institutions are relevant:

1.German Patent Attorney Association, Tal 29, 80331 Munich, Germany (PAK),
2. European Patent Institute, Tal 29, 80331 Munich, Germany (EPI),
3. International Federation of Patent Attorneys (FICPI).

The following codes of professional conduct apply to the Patent Attorneys

1. The professional rules laid down in the German Patent Attorney Code (PatAnwO),
2. the Code of Conduct for Patent Attorneys (BOPA, Mitt. 1997, 243 ff.),
3. the Code of Conduct of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the EPO
4. the Regulation on Discipline for Professional Representatives issued by the Administrative Council of the European Patent Organisation,
5. the FICPI statutes

IV. Attorneys-at-Law

Torsten Krüger
Prof. Dr. Nils Heide
Angelika Link
Rebecca Valentin
Lisa Beilharz

The German Attorneys-at-Law (Rechtsanwälte) are admitted as Attorneys-at-Law under German Law. They are also admitted representatives at the OHIM as well as at the German Patent Office and the European Patent Office.

The following institutions are relevant for the professional conduct of the Attorneys-at-Law with respect to the activities as Attorney-at-Law:

Bar Association in the district of the Higher Regional Court Stuttgart, Königstrasse 14, 70173 Stuttgart, Germany.

The following Codes of Professional Conduct apply to the Attorneys-at-Law with respect to the activities as Attorneys-at-Law

German Attorney-at-Law Code (BRAO)
Code of Conduct for German Attorneys-at-Law (BORA)
Act Governing Specialized Attorneys (FAO)
German Attorneys Remuneration Act (RVG)
Code of Conduct for Lawyers in the European Union issued by a Council of the Bars and Law Societies of the European Community (CCBE)
Statutory Law for the Activities of European Attorneys-at-Law in Germany (EuRAG)

The aforementioned codes applicable on German Attorneys-at-Law can be found in English and German on the website of the Federal Bar Association at For the English version click on the “Informationspflichten gemäß § 5 TMG” and click there on the “Federal Lawyers Act”. You also can contact the Federal Bar Association (BRAK), Littenstrasse 9, 10179 Berlin, Germany.

By request we also can provide more information concerning the applicable rules if you send us an email to office@*

V. Liability

Despite our efforts to review the content of this website, we do not accept liability for the correctness and completeness of the website, publications mentioned on the website and for external links. We do not accept any responsibility for the content of other websites that can be accessed via link on this website.

VI. Copyrights

Webdesign: Schilling DWA GmbH
All Images: Copyright Gleiss & Große, 2017-2025,

VII. Further Notes

All email addresses mentioned on this website cannot be used directly. Please copy the email address (cut-and-paste) and delete the * for sending an email to the respective addressee.