• Dr. Uwe Putze


Dr. Uwe Putze

Dr.-Ing., Dipl.-Ing.

European Patent Attorney

Phone: +49 711 99 3 11-299
Fax: +49 711 99 3 11-200
E-Mail: putze@gleiss-grosse.com


Uwe Putze joined our firm in 2018 and is responsible for drafting patent applications, taking part in patent prosecution and opposition proceedings as well as performing searches of prior art.

His technical expertise focuses on aerospace, mechanical, and electrical engineering.


Uwe Putze studied aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart, specializing in thermodynamics and space systems. He then completed his doctorate at the Institute of Space Systems at the University of Stuttgart in the field of remote sensing. After his doctorate, he joined the Environmental Physics Group at the Centre for Applied Geosciences at the University of Tübingen. He is professional representative before the European Patent Office.


Additional Information

Uwe Putze is fluent in German and English.